Over the Stars


Let's start with my looks...
shouldn't be too hard.
Well, the Aero clothes can go,
didn't want 'em anyway.
Sell 'em, get some money.
Hot topic? Black band shirts!
New, skinnier jeans.
Well, the pink makes my eyes pop, but
A more nude makeup is in order.
Translation, barely any.
Except eyeliner. Soft grey. Black sometimes.
The hair? Well, it needs edge.
Edge! Shorten to shoulders and blunt to layers.
Dye it dark again.
That wasn't so hard.
Gaga, guilty pleasures galore.
No more pop synth tracks or hip hop beats.
Torrent, download screams and pain and angst.
Not too hard.
Quick, Tim! Show me what a "Far Cry" is...
No, wait...Sarah! I know he can trust you...
What's "Gears of War"?
Teach, teach! Adapt me!
Spin my hands at the 360.
Not too hard.
Close...no...distant! Yes.
Hide affection, apathy. No caring.
No surrend-*tick*-er...
Too Hard.
My clothes!
My looks!
My music!
My interests!
My essence!
What do you do when *tick*
You know how to change
But you're fighting the clock?
....is he gone...?


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