Closet Space


In the closet of my heart,
I've got this broken toy.
He's not a wind up doll,
or a little wooden boy.
They scoffed at him on shelves
Said "he's worthless, look, he's broke!"
So he sat there, collecting dust,
Feeling existance was a joke.
One day I started scanning shelves
To find myself a friend,
And from the back I saw these eyes,
Their questions had no end.
Amoungst his black, they were bright
A sad and sharpened green,
Flecked with gold, rimmed iris dark
The deepest I'd ever seen.
I can't see what they think is wrong
So I take him home with me
I want to tell him everything
Give him something he can see.
He's broken, this toy of mine,
But I think he can be fixed.
I dig inside my closet heart,
but my toolbox is sadly mixed.
There's no one wrench to turn his head,
no screws to hold him tight.
But I love this gorgeous broken toy,
And I will treat him right.
He won't be sitting on the ledge,
watching people shoot him down,
In my arms and close to heart
Is where my broken toy is found.


Unknown said...

i love it andrea! "One day I started scanning shelves To find myself a friend," is my fave part.

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