Piercings Are Just Another Way To Say HELP


You helped me feel worthless
So I'll tell you what I'll do
Take out a silver needle,
and name it after you.
I'll clean off all the scum,
which means your complicated lies
Let it glimmer in the sun
And reflect inside my eyes
I'll chose a site of skin
that needs to be adorned
Something subtle, or not so much
And stab it with this thorn.
It'll penetrate and make a hole
That soon sparks violent red
and I'll push this needle through
right inside my head.
Oh, that hot, sharp sting
as it destroys this bit of flesh
Waiting for that sickining "pop"
that satisfies without the mess.
I'll take a little alcohol
For my nerves and shaking hands
And maybe shed a tear or two
I hope you understand.
You made me feel worthless
So this is what I'll do
I'll mutilate my body
and name it after you.


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