The Need Part II.


I see your dark form approaching, sheilded from the wind and cold of this December evening.
There's a wall between us, forced conversation, something that should scream "stay away."
The heaviness in the air between us tastes like me and you. It tastes like our scent.
Our sweat. Something missed. Something needed.
The conversation we're having, the tension in voices barely maskes the want to overcome feelings pulsating through us.
You're pressing firmly against the seam of your jeans. My thighs begin to grow warm and wet.
Chest heaving, bodies flushing, the desire we're barely constricting...only social decorum keeps us from having each other in the street.
No one will be watching us...

The Need Part I.


It's nights like these where I try to break out of my body.
I'm venturing, an animal that prowls under the soaking orange sky.
Shivers one through me. Cold. Anticipatory.
I've been begging for you, mind and body, this whole evening. The chemical fuels my desire; I feel my blood desending only to thrive in a place that throbs like my heart.
Inviting, my body prepares for your arrival, before you yourself even arrive.
My legs are pumping, back and forth. That same rhythmic motion to be reenacted.
I don't know what crevice of campus we'll find tonight, where our desires will converge. Against a wall, hopefully. I'd love to feel the harsh tears bound to happen on my back.

I'll Let You Ring My Neck.


I can't get you out of my heart.